Current District Plan

What is a District Plan?

Under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) Council is required to have a district plan to assist us in carrying out our functions to achieve the purpose of the RMA. The purpose of the RMA is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.

The Waitaki District Plan is the community's rulebook that sets out the provisions governing the use of land within our district. It has a major role in shaping Waitaki's future and what you can do with your land.

ePlan - Our District Plan Online

Our ePlan contains the same information as the District Plan – it's just a different way to access and understand it.

How to use the District Plan

The District Plan contains rules that may affect you if you are doing something on your land. To find out what is allowed to happen on a piece of land refer to the District Plan Maps, locate your property and identify the zoning. Each zone is identified by colour and notated in the map legend. Each zone has its own chapter containing the rules.

Waitaki District Plan

The Waitaki District Plan (The District Plan) was made fully operative on 31 May 2010. The District Plan comprises five parts, covering the whole district:

Introduction to the District Plan

Please click a link below for information on introduction, contents, and certifications to the District Plan

Part 1 - District Plan Introduction
Guidelines and factsheets