Rating valuations

A Rating Value (RV) is an indicative market value of your property at the date of valuation and is used to apportion rates within the district. The RV was previously known as the Government Valuation (GV). RVs are compiled in accordance with the Rating Valuations Act 1998. Quotable Value (Council's service provider) undertakes valuations on our behalf every three years. They are calculated using a mass appraisal process. The most recent valuation is date 1 August 2023, which will be the basis rate used for the next rating year beginning 1 July 2024.

For more information on rating values, visit QV's website or download Understanding Your Rating Value(PDF, 4MB).

Your valuation components

Capital value (CV)

The capital value is a likely price that could possibly be paid for the property at the valuation date. It’s the total of the land value and improvements value the total value of your property.

Land value (LV)

Land value is a likely price that could possibly be paid for the bare land at the valuation date.

Value of Improvements (VI)

Improvement value is the difference between the capital value and the land value. It reflects the value of the property’s buildings and other improvements.

CV = LV + VI

Rates Assessment

Every council must review how each of its activities is funded and develop the funding approach it believes best matches its community. While most Council activities are funded in some part by user charges or subsidies, they still require some input from rates.

The following table illustrates the activities Council undertakes and the rating method selected. As you will see, most of the rates on your rates invoice fund a number of different activities. Further information is contained in the Funding Impact Statement and Revenue and Financing Policy in the Long Term Plan.

What should someone do if they disagree with the Rating Value on their property?

As a property owner you have the right to object to their Rating Value. In fact, this is an integral part of the whole work process, as objections allow valuers to assess individual components which may not have been considered in the mass-appraisal process. 

Objections can be made online at www.qv.co.nz or by calling 0800 787 282 to discuss further or request an objection form.

Each notice of valuation will have a closing date for objections. This date is important as objections cannot be lodged outside of the objection period in a particular area.