Rates rebates

The Rates Rebates Scheme provides assistance in the form of a rebate (ie a deduction in your rates bill) to those on limited incomes to assist them in meeting the cost of their rates. The Council can give out rates rebates on behalf of the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA). The maximum rebate for the current rating year (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024) is $750.

New threshold amounts 2023/24 rating year

The new maximum rebate and income abatement thresholds for 2023/24 have been signed off by Cabinet and will come into effect on 1 July 2023.

Maximum rebate $750 (was $700)
Income abatement threshold $30,100 (was $28,080) 

The govt.nz website, online calculator and the Electronic Rebate Management System (eRMS) will be updated on 1 July 2023.

Are you eligible?

You can apply for a rebate if:

  • you pay rates on the address you live at,
  • you were living at the same property at the beginning of the rating year (1 July),
  • you own the property and your name is on the rates invoice, and
  • the total income of the owners of the property is within the range given.

The calculation used to determine your rates rebate takes into account your income, number of dependents, and the amount of rates you pay.

How to apply

Application forms are available from Council offices or can be downloaded from the Department of Internal Affairs. You need to apply to Waitaki District Council, who have the authority to process your application. Please remember this is a legal document.

Section 14 of the Rates Rebate act 1973

  1. Every person commits an offence who -
  • (a) for the purpose of obtaining any rates rebate under this Act, for themselves or others makes any statement or declaration knowing it to be false in any particular, or wilfully misleads or attempts to mislead any person concerned in the administration of this Act or any other person whatsoever, or
  • (b) refuses or fails to comply with any requirements under section 11, or refuses or fails to answer any question put to them pursuant to that section, or knowingly gives any false or misleading answer to any such question.

2. Every person who commits an offence against this act is liable on conviction before a District Court Judge to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $500 or both.

Find out more

For more information on rates rebates, please visit the Department of Internal Affairs website or call our customer contact team on 03 433 0300.