Code Compliance Certificates FAQ

Below are questions and answers related to Code Compliance Certificates. Please contact us if you have any further enquires.

What is a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC)?

A CCC is the BCA's verification that all works undertaken comply with the Building Consent. It is an important document and should be retained for future reference. It is mandatory to apply for a Code Compliance Certificate after all work has been completed. Council has 20 working days to decide whether to issue or to refuse to issue a Code Compliance Certificate. A CCC must be applied for on the appropriate form. You should attach to the application any memorandums issued by licensed building practitioners, any energy works certificates, or other supporting information, drawings and the like. If your project involved work on specified systems, you should attach all relevant information including plans and/or details of where the specified systems are located in the building.

What about issuing Code Compliance Certificates for Building Consents issued under the 1991 Act?

Providing we are satisfied that the building work complies with the building code in place at the time the consent was granted and the provisions of the Building Act, then generally, a CCC will be able to be issued. If Council is not satisfied that Act provisions have been met, or is not satisfied that reasonable grounds exist to enable the issue of a CCC, then the CCC may be refused. If we refuse to issue a CCC you will be notified of the reasons for refusal in writing.