District Licensing Committee decisions

Under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, each Council must have a District Licensing Committee/s to consider alcohol licensing matters in its area. The committee has replaced District Licensing Agencies. The functions of the District Licensing Committees (DLCs) are specified by the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

Reporting Agencies

Council's Licensing Inspectors, NZ Police and the Medical Officer of Health are involved in the alcohol licensing process. These agencies inquire into licence applications, and prepare reports that are submitted to the District Licensing Committee for their consideration along with the application.

Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA)

The Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA) is the national regulatory and appeal authority for alcohol licensing. ARLA determines appeals against District Licensing Committee decisions, applications lodged by Police or Licensing Inspectors to suspend or cancel licences or manager's certificates and applications for licences and manager's certificates referred by the District Licensing Committee. 

Our Council DLC membership:

  • Chairman – Jim Hopkins
  • Deputy Chair – Guy Percival
  • Commissioner/Community Representative – Barry McDonald
  • Community Representative – Kelli Williams

District Licensing Committee decisions

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