Who to contact

Problems with the supply

If you have a problem with your water supply, please call us on 03 433 0300 or email service@waitaki.govt.nz. All calls and emails are recorded in our system and dealt with by our maintenance contractors. Please don't call our contractors directly as this will delay the process (all customer requests must be recorded by our customer contact team before they are actioned).

It may be that the problem with you water supply is not Council's responsibility – for example, the pipe from your house to the point of supply (toby or restrictor) is leaking. If this is the case, you will need to contact your plumber. 

Applications and general enquiries

If you want to make an application for water or have a general enquiry, please call us on 03 433 0300. If you have some specific questions about an application or a general question about the water supply please email service@waitaki.govt.nz. Council does not manage the Awamoko, Kauru Hill, Tokarahi and Windsor Water supplies. These supplies are on the Corriedale Water Scheme. Find contact details below for applications and to report an issue.

Awamoko, Kauru Hill, Tokarahi and Windsor supplies

The Awamoko, Kauru Hill, Tokarahi and Windsor water supplies are operated by Corriedale Water Management Ltd. Council is not in a position to assist with any queries or issues for these supplies. If you are on one of these supplies and need assistance, please contact the following people:

Corriedale Water Management Ltd

Garry McLeod - Chair


Bill Malcolm 
027 628 7422

 Kauru Hill Bryce Burnett

027 223 3709 or 03 439 5919

 Tokarahi Peter Stackhouse

0210 737 545

 Windsor Garry McLeod (Chair of Corriedale Water Management Ltd)

027 440 0422