What's in it for me? The Draft District Plan

Published on 13 May 2022

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You are probably wondering - why should I care, how does this District Plan affect me, Council business does not concern me anyway?

Well, the Draft District Plan affects everyone. It manages how land can be used and developed within our district and will shape the way our district grows and develops for decades.  As the name goes, this is just a draft and this is your opportunity to provide feedback on our Draft District Plan before the rules take effect.  So, there’s a lot in it, for all of us.

Check out the video below:

The Draft District Plan Affects:

  • How you use your land
  • How your business operates within the district
  • Housing and zoning issues
  • Town growth activities
  • Culture and heritage
  • Day to day activities such as land and water activities
  • Biodiversity and landscapes
  • Hazards, risks and more

The Draft District Plan engagement will start from 1 June 2022. You will be able to provide your feedback on the draft by filling out an online form on our website, or attending one of our public drop in sessions, or emailing us. 

Following your feedback, we will consider what changes need to be made before we jump into the more formal part of a plan review – public notification of the Proposed District Plan. It’s only at the Proposed stage that the new rules will start to have effect. 

You can stay tuned for this process by signing up for our District Plan Review newsletters.

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