Janet Frame Collection


The Oamaru Public Library houses over 160 items celebrating Janet Frame's life, her writing and the many foreign translations of her written material. The collection includes Dutch, German, French, Swedish, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese, Turkish and Brazilian. Included among the collection are DVDs, autobiographies, biographies, literary critiques, commentaries, reviews, short stories and of course, Frame's novels.

For a full list of material, please click here.


Please Note: The Janet Frame collection is a not for loan collection and individual items may be viewed within the library. Please ask at the enquiries desk if you would like to gain access to this collection. For additional information please also consider visiting the Waitaki Museum and Archive on Janet Frame and also the following links:

A 1993 black and white photograph of Janet Frame holding a medal (unknown photgrapher)

"Well. Writers are not whales but in their lives they struggle to retain the fine-tuning of their senses, their sense of direction, while the readers wait & watch in commotion of interest & helplessness, separated necessarily from the beached writers. Personal direction is often lost. There are no such creatures as writers, there is just a writer & a writer & a writer." Excerpt from Janet Frame: In her Own Words (Selected and edited by Denis Harold and Pamela Gordon) 2011